I agree with you whole-heartedly. Collaboration is the only way forward in the sustainability conversation, but it requires brands, agencies or organizations to be specific & honest with what they are best at. A couple of encouraging examples in the US: 1) The brand ForDays is offering their "Take Back Bag" as a recycling service and inviting other brands to use it as well to fast track their circularity efforts, and 2) my brand KNOWN SUPPLY is offering fair trade and sustainable custom merchandise to all types of organizations, so anyone can sell Fair Trade Certified merchandise.

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Kia ora Megan - really enjoyed my first read of your work - elevating the dysfunction within the industry even from the well meaning / intentioned side is well worth highlighting in my opinion.

Similarly the collusion, greenwashing and greenwashing needs constant presence in front of consumers imho as they quickly forget and revert to previous behaviour.

Thanks for your work and sharing !

Ngā mihi nui


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